Friday, March 24, 2023

The Infinite Conversation

The AI chatbot ChatGP is one of the fastest growing web platform. 100 million new subscribers per month. 

Giacomo Miceli, an Italian American computer scientist wrote an article in the Scientific American April 2023 issue.

In just few months using open source tools Miceli developed a website called The Infinite Conversation that enabled him to create a never ending fake conversation between film-maker Werner Herzog and philosopher Slavoj Žižek in their real life voices. 

Here it is, give it a whirl:

Just to re-iterate, this conversation was generated artificially by a computer. What you hear is not real.

Miceli mentions, in real life Herzog and Žižek often talk about philosophy and aesthetics. The chatbot versions were trained by their voice and with preference to their vocabulary. He adds, “Because of the esoteric nature of these topics, the listener can temporarily ignore the occasional nonsense that the model generates.”

Miceli asks audience not to take too seriously on what the chatbots are saying but imagine instead “the realistic-sounding speeches that could be used to tarnish the reputations of politicians, scam business leaders or simply distract people with misinformation that sounds like human-reported news.” 

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