Saturday, January 22, 2022

Teddy's legend

 “When all else fails, hug your Teddy” the urban legend goes. 

Teddy represents many things all at once. Albeit being lifeless, they consoled us when we faced our first frustrations in life. They were our first friends to hold our first conversations with.

But in another sense Teddy represents our insecurities. It shows, we are vulnerable creatures in need for consolation and friendship.

I like looking at windows of charity establishments like Vinnies Shops. These are like museums, time capsules facing public kerbs. 

Every object behind the window represents something from the past and discarded. 

When I saw “Teddy in a sack” it resonated sadness in me. It recalled perhaps we are ungrateful as much as needy. In that sense the humble Teddy acts as a messenger to remind us our inner conflicts.

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