Sunday, October 18, 2009

Embrace the change in you

In a 1982 interview, Foucault remarked "When people say, 'Well, you thought this a few years ago and now you say something else,' my answer is… 'Well, do you think I have worked hard all those years to say the same thing and not to be changed?'" He refused to identify himself as a philosopher, historian, structuralist, or Marxist, maintaining that
"The main interest in life and work is to become someone else that you were not in the beginning."
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy categorises integrity as follows:
  1. integrity as the integration of self
  2. integrity as maintenance of identity
  3. integrity as standing for something
  4. integrity as moral purpose
  5. integrity as a virtue.
In the light of Foucault's remarks I came to think that we should question the usefulness of maintaining integrity without reason.

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