Sitting outside a rustic Balmain cafe at kerb washed by setting winter sun, I noticed the key was left on a Vespa scooter.
My thoughts drifted to a past world of tranquility when things were different. People had time for each other, doors were left open, keys were left on ignition.
The world has always been raged by misery induced by war, pestilence, greed or depravity. But we maintained “pockets of resistance” reminiscent of good old days that spirit of humans persisted.
Sometimes it helps to leave current affairs afar. Self reflection may not always be easy during daily grind of news and chores, but when we seize the chance we should seek light and reflect. It doesn’t cost anything if we allow being generous to ourselves and leave sparkles here and there.
The rider of the Vespa returned with take-away in one hand. He placed them in the boot. We exchanged glances, and I asked,
- Do you enjoy riding Vespa?
He smiled and said:
- Perfect to ride around Balmain.